27 нояб. 2011 г.

homework for 28.11.2011

   Dear Sam,

   I am writing to give some kind of advise to you what to do in this kind of situation.
   Of course, every parent is skared their child will live abroad and they will never see him or her again. But you just have to give them to understand, that they will not lose you.
   First of all, you should try to talk to your parents or may be show them that you are serious about Gloria. Six mouth is a long period. Moreover you have to explain your feelings to your parents and ask them to try to accept your girlfriend. I think, It would be a great idea to introduce Gloria to your parents. Give them a chance to get to know her. If I were you, I would make a family evening. I would recomend you to start with words, that you understand their opinion and want them to understand yours. I hope my advise will hepl you!
   I am looking forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,


Darja Aleksejeva.

13 нояб. 2011 г.

Elukoha kirjeldamine

Ma elan korteris, mis asub kesklinnas, Jahu tänavas. See on väga mugav, sellepärast et kõik on väga lähedal. Viru Keskusesse minek võtab aega 15 minutit. Minu meelest see on kõige suurem pluss. Aga see ei ole ainuke asi, mis minule meeldib. Minu elukoha positiivne külg on ka see, et meil on nagu oma linn siin. Kõik majad on ühesugused, ainul erinevad värvid: kollased, sinised, punased. Naabrid on vaiksed ja sõbralikud, paljud on mitte Eestist, vaid Soomest ja Itaaliast. Siin on meil mänguplats, ilusalong, kohvik, kauplus ja hotell, kus mõni kord elavad meie sõbrad välismaalt. Kahjuks, ma elan esimesel korrusel, see tõttu tihti kuulen millest inimesed räägivad õues ja kuidas karjuvad lapsed. Aga see teeb mugavaks mööbli transportimise. Ja kuna mul on väike õde, kes õhtul armastab hüpata ja tantsida, ei pea meie pere muretsema alumise naabrile häirimise pärast. 0. korrusel on meil garaaž, kus on parkimise kohad meie autodeks. Paljud arvavad ka, et minu kodu asub juba Põhja-Tallinnas, sest niimoodi on kirjutatud Linnahalli juures, vaid ma ei saa rääkida, et see on paha, me oleme Kopli alguses. Meil on vaikne ja puhas rajoon, kõik inimesed, kes siin elavad on sellega rahul. Kui vaatan aknast välja on seal meri. Mere ääres on tehtud väga ilus tee, kus võib nii jalutada, kui ka spordiga tegeleda. Olen tõesti väga õnnelik, et elan siin, mitte teises kohas!

Historically, men were the hunters and women the homemakers. It should stay like that.

     For many thousands of years, men have been thought of as the main "breadwinners" in families because of their strength and power. It has been the job of men to do work that either hunted food, grew food or earned money to pay for food. The women have cared for children, prepared food, cleaned the house and made and cared for clothes. However, it was never the "tradition" itself.
     Today we hear many stories of men successfully achieving in the role of "house husband" while their ladies go out into the world to gather the "bread". А big number of men are comfortable with this position in life and can fulfil it to the same degree of success as their women.
     Nowdays more and more women have good education and are able to earn a lot of money. I think it is connected with their wish to feel independent. In my opinion it is important for each person. Before it was not real for women to earn money, to have a job, to live abroad on her own, but now women can earn much more money than men and have more successful life than her husband.

     I think now it just only depends on personal choice of the person.