9 нояб. 2009 г.

If I were the Minister of Transport..

If I were the Minister of Transport, I wouldn't change a lot of things.
May be changes would be with rules - they would not be so strict. Some changes would be with parking, I know, that nowdays it is a big problemm, so I would make more parking places.
Fines wouldn't be so heavy, only for strong breaches.

I think it would be good.

Ou, I forgot about one thing. It is important for people without cars!

If I were the Minister of Transport, I would make in public conveyances more sits, or they (busses, troll-busses, tramms etc.) would be bigger, than now.

If I had some extra-time, I would contrive (invent) a flying-car. It would be funny and interestind.

I would like to be the Minister of Transport! :D

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