18 нояб. 2009 г.

Traffic problems.

I think, that my country has not got worse than those in Britain. Of course we are not the best country, but we are better, than the most part. :)

In my opinion it can be so because of the population. We haven't got so many cars here, and the territory of Estonia is small too.

What to say about cars on TV?

Usually, I don't wantch such cannels on TV. I think, it steps up to boys more. So, I can't say, are there a lot of adverts for cars on TV or no, unfortunatly.

In my opinion, we should use our legs, if the distance is not very big, it will help not only with this problem, it is better to our health!

But it is not the only one thing what we should do.

We should use public transport, share cars - share journeys with someone else!

WE SHOULD THINK ABOUT TRAFFIC PROBLEMS. Nobody will think about it instead of us!

Of course one by one we can't do it, we can't do anything, but together we CAN! And we wil try! :)

9 нояб. 2009 г.

If I were the Minister of Transport..

If I were the Minister of Transport, I wouldn't change a lot of things.
May be changes would be with rules - they would not be so strict. Some changes would be with parking, I know, that nowdays it is a big problemm, so I would make more parking places.
Fines wouldn't be so heavy, only for strong breaches.

I think it would be good.

Ou, I forgot about one thing. It is important for people without cars!

If I were the Minister of Transport, I would make in public conveyances more sits, or they (busses, troll-busses, tramms etc.) would be bigger, than now.

If I had some extra-time, I would contrive (invent) a flying-car. It would be funny and interestind.

I would like to be the Minister of Transport! :D

3 нояб. 2009 г.

I think, that every one has a dream of his car.

I know, that it is not real, but I want a car, which I can controll with one button, or with a controll panel. In my opinion, it is much easier.

I don't know, what colour it would be, but I think, that it maybe pink, yellow, blue or something like that, cheerful colours.

It can be a little similar to the barbie's or just doll's car, but I like it. It isn't forbidden to dream about. :)

2 нояб. 2009 г.

What new I have understood.

All holidays I was with friends from my class. I thought, that we have not got any unity, but now understood, that we have. The friendship is found by us. It was so nice, we were going for a walk, we were in the cinema, we were together. They may be felt the same. :) I hope. It must be this real feeling of class-family. It's so cute! I am in this schkool only 3-rd year, but I don't feel it. It seems to me, that I'm here from the first form. All are so native. I like it. Truth to tell, I don't know what else was understood by me, it was too little time to realize. But this, about friendship in class, I think, is now enough. :)